Select Index Dialog


The Select Index Dialog action displays the Primary Index or Query dialog, from which the user may select the primary index or query list for the current form or browse. The primary index controls which records are viewed, and in what order.


  1. Make a selection in the Display the standard Index/Query Select dialog in which window? field. This field will be grayed out unless this action is based on a Form or Browse. The choices are:

    • "Current Form or Browse Window".

    • "Another Form or Browse Window".

  2. If you selected "Another Form or Browse Window", in the Window Name field select either:

    • "Forms"

    • "Browses"

  3. Select one of the listed forms or browses.

  4. Click Next >.

  5. Optionally modify the comment that describes the action.

  6. Click Finish. to display the Primary

The action will display the Primary Index or Query dialog box.

See Also